Monday, March 30, 2015

(PEOPLE) James Mitchell - #RingYourGranny

So amazing, the hate people spew in the name of religion; the rights we want to take away from our fellow human beings that should be among the most basic of human rights for all.  Love comes from the heart, not from the crotch, and in a world of terrorism and murder and violence and oppression - a world of slaughter for animals for sport, and eradication of the very flora and fauna contributing to our existence - the very freaking LEAST we should be doing is harming or killing or even disgracing those who choose love - even if it isn't in a form you yourself may not know.  

There is a referendum coming up in Ireland, for marriage equality, and it's heavily opposed.  The #RingYourGranny campaign was started so that young LGBT men and women could phone their grandparent (the elderly usually being the most likely to vote against gay marriage) and ask for their support.

This is James Mitchell, a young Irish guy, out and open but who's never discussed his sexuality with his grandmother ... until this phone call.  As the suicide rate continues to climb among LGBT youth around the world, as the voices of hate from outrageous bigots like Governor Pence of Indiana rise in anger against the growing tide of acceptance, I hope you'll take a few minutes to watch this short video, and know that it does, indeed, boil down to just one guy and his granny; that helping someone who is struggling to stay strong - maybe even saving their life - might just depend on their having a granny, or grand-dad, or mother or father, or sibling or neighbor or friend, who reaches out to them - one on one - to let them know "I'm in your corner."

Love, love of any kind, CAN truly change the world - even when you spread it just one person at a time.  


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