Monday, March 30, 2015

(BOOKS) 'SALEM'S LOT ... at 40!

So I went to change my Facebook profile and cover photo, to reflect a novel that's still on my best-ever-read list (it's been my new "thing," through the end of April am changing pics to reflect my favorite films, books/writers, and TV series) ... and did a massive double-take upon realizing it's been almost 40 YEARS since I first read Stephen King's 'Salem's Lot - a book that, to me, is still one of the most unsettling, enthralling, and creepy reads I've ever enjoyed (I still remember, when reading it, reading the words "the phone rang" in the novel, just as the phone right next to me rang, and I screamed like someone had set me on fire).  The original mini-series (Rob Lowe remake? NO comparison!) - same thing, still terrifies the hell out of me (in fact, I can barely look at the image below without gooseflesh crawling up my back like a demonic toddler).  So your thought-provoking question for the day: do you read Stephen King?  Or, maybe better yet, what's your favorite King novel ... or movie/mini-series adaptation??  I know he's gotten more literary now, more introspective and deep in his writing, and in fact is probably, technically, the best he's ever been.  And I think that's great.  That said, I have to admit, I do miss the Stephen King who was simply the master of scaring the ka-ka out of me.

1 comment:

  1. I've never read "Salem's Lot" but have read several of King's early works. You know how easily creeped-out I am, so dare I..?
