Tuesday, February 24, 2015

(TV) Oscar goes Gaga

Okay, so "Bad Romance" came out and I was in love with Lady Gaga.  That song and "Paparazzi" are still my favorites.  But soon meat dresses and bizarre behavior/quotes and questionable makeup and wardrobe choices put me off totally.  Then came the Oscars, when Da Gaga brought back a chunk of the old-style glamour the Oscars used to have with a voice I, for one, didn't know she possessed, doing a medley from "The Sound of Music".  She looked great, with hair, makeup and wardrobe toned way down, and even more than the accomplished performance, her emotional reaction to the standing ovation she received was so moving; so real.  So I am back on the Gaga train now, hoping she keeps it toned down and lets the music speak for itself again ... because this performance, Oscar night, was magical.


  1. I saw her singing with Tony Bennett over Christmas and must admit that I find her a fascinating person in interviews. She is very talented and is at times so bizarre that you wonder what she is going to do next. Then she shows another side to her- she seemed thrilled to perform with Tony Bennett and maybe his music was played when she was growing up. I loved the Julie Andrews walking on stage and giving her a hug.

  2. I've never really paid a lot of attention to Lady Gaga, not really my type of music I felt. And also she is so outrageous a lot of the time.But I listened to this and decided she actually had a great voice and I might investigate some of her music more. Good to watch.
