Tuesday, February 24, 2015

(TV) It Takes a Village ...

So, the verdict has been read, justice for two young women has finally been served ... and people can stop bitching about series two of "Broadchurch".  Personally, while I can see why some were let down by the second series, I for one was in many ways happy with it.  I'd wondered how they would do series two, figuring it would just be another new murder and subsequent investigation - but the show took the hard way out, a gamble, in having the killer who was caught (and even confessed) at the end of series one plead "not guilty" at the last minute, throwing the entire small town into chaos.  For me, this season was about the court system, how the defense twisted facts and raised doubts in the jurors' minds, even as the entire gallery of those watching the trial - the residents of Broadchurch - absolutely knew the defendant's guilt.  I found that aspect fascinating.  The second storyline, the mystery of the dead Pippa and missing Lucy, was indeed less successful, mainly (I feel) because - unlike season one - you weren't given time to know the involved parties enough to care all that much about what happened to them (Lee and Claire, particularly).  So while yes, not as strong as series one, I do sort of wish people would lay off series two; the writers tried something different, and it both worked and didn't - get over it!  Having read that ITV is doing a series three, it should be interesting to see how the writers may learn from mistakes made in series two ... while still making the tale as engrossing as series one.  (Note: series two premieres on BBC America March 4th.  Beware, spoilers abound in the preview below, if you haven't seen series one!).


  1. When do we get it in the US?

  2. I enjoyed this one- but I will admit not as much as the first series. I am not sure a third series would keep me watching if it goes over the same case! It was certainly very different from the first series and I love the cast of actors- so I'll probably be there when series three starts.
