Thursday, December 10, 2015

Amazing, What $10 Can Do ...

From 2009-2013, for 3.5 years, I did fundraising for a variety of amazing organizations including Planned Parenthood​, Human Rights Campaign​, National Organization for Women (NOW)​, NAACP​, ASPCA, Amnesty International​, Galapagos Conservancy​ (love you, Lonesome George, RIP!), Democratic National Committee​e, Gay and Lesbian Task Force, GLSEN, PBS, Mother Jones​, President Barack Obama​'s re-election campaign, and many more.  It was incredibly grueling work, at times, but the rewards very much worth it - the vibe at our re-election party to celebrate all our hard work, while watching the election results rolls in, was a night I'll never forget; not to mention, in general, all the amazing people I talked to, for all these above causes and more, who were as passionate about supporting them as I was.

The number 10 became my lucky number in those days; the countless times I talked to a potential donor who was on the fence, or at first rejected giving because they were too embarrassed to say they couldn't give a lot - felt what they could afford wouldn't make a difference, anyway.  I would remind them that if they could even do the cost of a discounted pizza - only $10, and maybe eat in that one night instead of ordering that pizza, giving that ten-spot to a campaign they believed in, instead - that if everyone I talked to in just a week gave just $10 to that same cause, it would amount to anywhere from $8-$10 THOUSAND dollars!  In one week!  Like HELL $10 won't make a difference!  I couldn't begin to calculate how many people kind of "got it" after that, even if they did preface their donation with, "Well, okay, I really AM sorry it can't be more ... " shyness or embarrassment, but I was being 100% sincere.  Ten dollars, multiplied, adds up very, VERY quickly, and I will go to my grave being very proud of the work I did for all these causes.

I lay in bed well past midnight last night, awake and restless as I always am over worries of health, money and being evicted, when it occurred to me that it was after midnight;  technically December the 10th.  Ten, a number that had been so lucky for me in the past, and had worked so well in helping to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for causes I supported.

So today, December 10th, I ask that anyone who read this please take my campaign to heart and see - even in this holiday season - if you could spare the cost of a discounted pizza to help me cross the final item from my Bucket List.  It's funny, I'd make double my goal if everyone on my Facebook friends list alone donated just $10 each, but for anyone who can do so it'd be confirmation to me that both Christmas and myself are still to be believed in.  To those who've already helped out - THANK YOU,and have already got your names down for the Acknowledgements page in the book! - but if you could even share the link below with passion, adding a quick note as to why you're sharing, then maybe this goal can come true at $10 a pop.

Meanwhile, I hope you are all having an amazing time prepping for the holidays.  I know it's a tough time of year to have someone else coming at you, asking for a gift no less, but please believe me when I say $10 can make the most incredible difference, when multiplied; I spent 3.5 years making others realize that and the results were phenomenal, so please donate if you are able ... and think I am worth $10 after reading the campaign, of course!

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