Saturday, May 9, 2015

(THE ARTIST'S LIFE) "A Single Pair of Eyes"

When you're a writer, you quickly come to understand that being able to create entire worlds on blank sheets of paper is underrated.  Yet at some point, when things are going well on a project, the characters kind of look over their shoulders at you and say, "It's cool; we can take it from here," and while you still have to keep an eye open - keep things on track - suddenly the story is writing itself and you, along with potential readers, are simply along for the ride.

I've hit that point with my incredible new project, the TV-series-in-book-form called "Candyland", as of episode five.  Candace, Oscar, Zoe, Hunter, Lynn, Teak, Hector, Dominic, Eden, Noah, and beyond - they're all really beginning to breathe on the page, telling their stories of the good, bad and ugly of young people pursuing acting in Los Angeles - and I can only hope it shows in the writing.  If you've seen the "Candyland" blog/site, the fanbase is definitely growing - and growing more passionate with the Friday release of each new episode - and it's been very gratifying to get such positive feedback, especially in the middle of the creative process itself (a perk few writers are able to enjoy). 

While the passionate fanbase/subscriber list (not counting the "gift" subscriptions, of the entire series, available to actors, writers or others in the industry) remains fairly intimate and I'd like it grow ... 

What I really seek, at this point, is just a single pair of eyes.  Just one person in the business - a screenwriter like Hector, an actor like Hunter or Zoe or Dominic, even a journalist like Eden - who will simply read the first five episodes in the series, ONLY allow the writing to speak for itself ... and then, if they like what they read, spread the word.  

Because the ultimate goal?  To actually get "Candyland" ON television one day soon, perhaps on Showtime or HBO - and, if possible, with the Dream Cast as listed on the series' blog ("Candyland" blog/site).

Not too out of the realm of possibility, perhaps, as cable shows helped to inspire the idea in the first place (have been told it's like "Shameless" meets "Entourage" meets "Desperate Housewives").  Certainly not out of the realm of possibility based on the feedback I've already received - from just the first five episodes - from people who tell me they love Hunter, want to date Dominic, or commend the mother-daughter relationship Lynn and Zoe have!  And nothing pleases a writer more than a reader falling in love with his characters enough to make such comments.

Now just to find that single pair of eyes, even if it is in an industry where it's one for all - and every man for himself.

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