Thursday, April 9, 2015

(EVENT) "Candyland" SPECIAL NOTICE update!

First, sending out a ginormous THANK YOU to all who've so far subscribed to "Candyland" - ReadTV's premiere, one-of-a-kind TV-series-for-readers that gives you a weekly dose of mystery, murder, and misogynistic mayhem (in other words, it's about Hollywood) in your inbox!  The pilot episode drops TOMORROW - in fact, it's already gone out to a handful of beta readers, please check our page (Read-TV) or Twitter or Facebook pages (search "ReadTVCandyland") for updates - and we're stoked that the party has started ... while at the same time sad if YOU are not one of the ones yet aboard!

We also wanted to give a head's up, because we've made some changes with the way people can read "Candyland" - wanting to be loyal to our readers who have already signed on, putting all the work into the writing while keeping it kind of exclusive yet still out there - so please take note: sometime this weekend, we'll be posting the entire pilot episode (warning: explicit language) on the "Candyland" website (listed above), for those who want a stronger idea of the story before subscribing, that will give you a bigger, better taste than the original "A Leap of Faith" teaser (which can be read on the site now: "A Leap of Faith").

HOWEVER, starting today subscriptions will only be available to those wanting to be on board for the full, novel-length serial (no more sample issues or by-the-week partial subscriptions) - and even a full subscription will only be available, for $14.99 (talk about a deal!), for only one week after the full pilot is posted!  After that, subscriptions will only be available on a case-by-case, mostly referral basis - though never fear, even then and no matter where you jump in, once ordering your subscription you will also receive any and all "back episodes" previously released, meaning you'll will never miss one single bit of sin or scandal in this enthralling story of life in the show-biz lane!

Also each week, once the new episode goes out, a synopsis of that week's episode will be posted on the site (as well as Twitter and FB pages); much like a TV Guide listing, it will be a succinct, spoiler-free recap for those who at least want an idea of what the series is about ... whether you're a part of it or not!

But we hope you do join this one-of-a-kind story, set in the land of make-believe and told in a one-of-a-kind way.  And whether you read it every week, or save up episodes to binge-read at your leisure, Candace and Company welcome you ... and hope to provide you with, for the next 36 weeks, one hell of a ride!

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